Saturday, October 26, 2013

An extempore speech and painting competition for Indigenous Jumma students in the CHT, arranged by JSS marking the 30 anniversary of death of the forerunner of Jumma nation the great leader MN Larma

জুম্ম জাতির জাতীয় শোক দিবস উপলক্ষে জেএসএস কর্তৃক “উপস্থিত বক্তৃতা ও চিত্রাংকন প্রতিযোগিতা”-এর আয়োজন
পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম জনসংহতি সমিতি আগামী ১০ই নভেম্বর ২০১৩ জুম্ম জাতির অগ্রদূত মহান নেতা মানবেন্দ্র নারায়ণ লারমা ও তাঁর আট সহযোদ্ধার মৃত্যু দিবস তথা ৩0তম জুম্ম জাতির জাতীয় শোক দিবস উদযাপন উপলক্ষে পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের বিভিন্ন প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ে (১ম থেকে ৫ম শ্রেণী) অধ্যয়নরত ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য “চিত্রাংকন প্রতিযোগিতা” এবং উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ে অধ্যয়নরত ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য “উপস্থিত বক্তৃতা”-এর আয়োজন করেছে। পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম জনসংহতি সমিতির কেন্দ্রীয় সাধারণ সম্পাদক শ্রী তাতিন্দ্র লাল চাকমার স্বাক্ষরিত পৃথক দু’টি বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে এই তথ্য জানানো হয়।

শুধুমাত্র পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের বিভিন্ন এলাকায় বসবাসরত জুম্ম আদিবাসী ছাত্র-ছাত্রীরা এ প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করতে পারবে। অংশগ্রহণ ইচ্ছুক জুম্ম ছাত্র-ছাত্রীরা উল্লেখিত দায়িত্বপ্রাপ্ত থেকে নিবন্ধন ফরম সংগ্রহ করে আগামী ৩১ অক্টোবর ২০১৩ তারিখের মধ্যে নাম নিবন্ধন (রেজিস্ট্রেশন) করার জন্য সংবাদ বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে। উক্ত প্রতিযোগিতা আগামী ৮ নভেম্বর ২০১৩ইং, শুক্রবার সকাল ১০.০০ ঘটিকার সময় খাগড়াছড়ি পার্বত্য জেলার মহাজন পাড়াস্থ সূর্যশিখা ক্লাবে কেন্দ্রীয়ভাবে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।

উল্লেখ্য যে, চিত্রাংকন প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণকারী ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের থেকে প্রথম স্থান অধিকারী ১ (এক) জন, দ্বিতীয় স্থান অধিকারী ২ (দুই) জন ও তৃতীয় স্থান অধিকারী ৩ (তিন) জন মোট ৬ (ছয়) জন এবং অনুরূপভাবে উপস্থিত বক্তৃতায় অংশগ্রহণকারী ১ম ১ জন, ২য় ২ জন ও ৩য় স্থান অধিকারী ৩ জন মোট ৬ (ছয়) জনসহ সর্বমোট ১২ (বার) জনকে সংগঠন থেকে আকর্ষণীয় পুরস্কার প্রদান করবে বলে সংবাদ বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে জানানো হয়েছে।

যোগাযোগের ঠিকানা:

সাথোয়াই অং মারমা
শিক্ষা ও সংস্কৃতি বিষয়ক সম্পাদক
পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম জনসংহতি সমিতি।
ফোন: ০১৫৫৬৭৭০৯১২

Sunday, October 20, 2013

JSS organises national youth conference

Courtesy: CHT Voice, Thursday, 17 Oct. 2013

For the first time in the history of Parbatya Chattagram Juba Samiti, the youth front of PCJSS has been formed at Dighinal on 10th instant. Earlier, before PCJSS bifurcation, a central committee member used to lead this front organization at the capacity of its director. During this period its highest tier was thana committee and lowest committee was village committee while the middle tier was union committee.

During armed movement this front organ was led by the Gram Panchayet and Juba Samiti Directorate led by a central committee member keeping the head office attached to the Ghq. Its administrative segments (civil administration for Gram Panchayet and Juba Samiti) did not match with the military administrative areas. Regional Directors and Assistant Regional Directors (RD and ARD) used to get appointments from the Director of Gram Panchayet and Juba Samiti Directorate to lead the Village Panchayets and Juba Samiti units at field level.

After the foundation of the central committee, now the district, thana, union and village committees will be functional under the command of a PCJSS central committee member. The main responsibilities of the Juba Samiti will be the popularization of the PCJSS and support its activities. The meting was held at the Dighinal Headmen Association office. A few hundred PCJSS activists from different organs and different thanas of Rangamati and Khagarachari Hill Districts attended the national youth conference. Mr. Sudhasindhu Khisa and Mr. Rupayan Dewan spoke as chief guest and special guest respectively while Mr. Tatindra Lal Chakma, general secretary of the PCJSS also addressed the conference.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bangladesh: All Is Not Well In Chittagong Hill Tracts

Written by Nikhil Chakma on October 4, 2013 in his Facebook's Notes.

Bangladesh: All Is Not Well In Chittagong Hill Tracts

General perception is that the three decade-long ethnic conflict of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) ended with the CHT Accord of 1997 signed between the Government of Bangladesh and Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS=People’s United Party), a political organization representing the indigenous people of CHT, and that peace has been restored in the region with a Local Government at the helm of the overwhelmingly majority representatives of the indigenous people. But the reality tells a different story: all is not well in CHT.

This note tries to show how the CHT Local Government is functioning and how autonomy of the Local Government and democracy at large are being killed for a calculated purpose: Bengali Muslim demographic invasion in CHT and marginalization and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people under a hidden policy called “Islamization Policy”. 

CHT Local Government

As per the CHT Accord, the CHT Local Government consists of the Ministry on CHT Affairs headed by an indigenous MP and Deputy Minister in Dhaka, the CHT Regional Council (CHTRC) at the CHT main township Rangamati, three Hill District Councils (HDCs) in the three Hill District Headquarters and their subordinate bodies. And to execute and manage the planning and decisions of the CHT Local Government on the matters given to it under the CHT Accord there is a CHT local administration consisting of the three Deputy Commissioners (DCs who are usually non-indigenous people -- Bengali Muslims deputed by Dhaka -- the capital city of Bangladesh -- from Bangladesh Civil Service Cadres) of the three Hill Districts and their subordinate offices.

The CHTRC consists of the 22 elected members out of whom 15 are indigenous persons, including the Chairperson, and 7 are non-indigenous persons from among non-indigenous permanent residents.

Each of the three HDCs consists of 34 members out of whom 22 are indigenous persons, including the Chairperson, and 12 non-indigenous persons from among non-indigenous permanent residents.

As the apex Local Government body of CHT, the CHTRC supervises and coordinates the functions of the HDCs and the CHT local administration, apart from its other duties and functions. 

As per the Acts passed under the CHT Accord, the interim CHTRC has been formed soon after the 1997 CHT Accord. Most of the senior PCJSS leaders, including its President, have been nominated as members of this body. The interim HDCs have been formed with the nominated members of the ruling party [whosoever party comes to power in Bangladesh -- the current ruling party is Awami League (2009-2013) who signed the CHT Accord with PCJSS; opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) opposed the Accord and it even tried to scrape it (the Accord) during its term (2001-2007) followed by an Interim Government backed by military in 2007-2008 and in this period a case was filed in court urging for scrape of the Accord]. As per the Accord, the HDCs are supposed to be formed with the elected members; elections of the HDCs are supposed to be held after making the CHT voter list with indigenous people and non-indigenous permanent residents of CHT. The Government of Bangladesh has made the voter list with indigenous people and non-indigenous permanent and non-permanent residents (Bengali Muslim settlers) of CHT in violation of the concerned provision of the CHT Accord! No elections of the HDCs have been held over the last 15 years! In the meantime, the Government of Bangladesh has passed an ordinance authorizing the DCs to issue permanent resident certificates to all non-permanent residents of CHT in violation of the CHT Accord! As per the CHT Accord, it is only the three traditional Circle Chiefs called Rajas who have the authority to issue such certificates to permanent residents (indigenous and non-indigenous) of CHT. CHT is, it may be mentioned, divided into three Circles, each of which is headed by a Chief, as per the traditional administration of the region). 

How CHT Local Government is Functioning

The Ministry on CHT Affairs has been hijacked and made hostage to the “Islamization Policy” as stated above. 

The CHTRC has been trying hard to exercise its mandated power for proper functioning of the CHT Local Government and for realization of local autonomy. However, the Government of Bangladesh advised by CHT military strategic experts and proponents of the “Islamization Policy” in CHT continues to overlook the CHTRC and to run the CHT Local Government only with the HDCs and the CHT local administration backed by Bangladeshi military. The CHTRC and PCJSS have been pushing the Government of Bangladesh hard from inside (CHTRC) and outside (PCJSS) for proper functioning of the CHT Local Government, realization of local autonomy and proper implementation of the CHT Accord, especially resolution of land-disputes between indigenous persons and Bengali Muslim settlers and restoration of the traditional land right of the indigenous people, withdrawal of over 500 temporary Bangladeshi military camps from CHT, making the CHT voter list with indigenous people and non-indigenous permanent residents of CHT, formation of the local police with indigenous people and non-indigenous permanent residents of CHT, among others.  Not surprisingly, the Government of Bangladesh has been using (according to the order of need and convenience) the anti-CHT Accord faction (“B Team”) and elements such as, Muslim jehadi organizations (“C Team”), military (“A Team”) and the HDCs and the local administration, including police (“D Team”) -- the Teams as they are called -- against PCJSS (the party resisting the “Islamization Policy” and working for implementation of the CHT Accord) and its political and democratic movement for its calculated purpose: Bengali Muslim demographic invasion in CHT and marginalization and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people. And it appears that the Government -- the ruling party no matter whosoever party comes to power -- is always ready with an emergency backup plan to replace the CHTRC with its favorite candidates and agents -- proponents or supporters of the said "Islamization Policy" -- in the event of the body's resignation or otherwise. This is how the CHT Accord, autonomy of the CHT Local Government and democracy at large have been made a hostage to the “Islamization Policy” of the Government of Bangladesh in CHT. It goes without saying that the policy has totally upset and undermined the objectives of the CHT Accord and already resulted in an alarming increase of Bengali Muslim population in CHT from some 7% in 1971 (when Bangladesh became an independent nation) to 60% in 2011 (the figure was 2% in 1947 when the British colonial rule ended in the Sub-continent and Pakistan and India got independence. Now Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics does not provide any information on the subject) and threatened the indigenous people to extinction.

Bangladesh has proven that it has no heart for implementation of the CHT Accord. Had it had a heart for implementation of the Accord, it would have not foul played with it (the Accord). It is foul playing with the Accord to make its way for its "Islamization Policy" in CHT-- for Bengali Muslim demographic invasion in the region and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people.

Recommendations for Solution to the “Post-conflict” Challenges in CHT 

1. The Government of Bangladesh must stop its “Islamization Policy” in CHT and withdraw all Bengali Muslim settlers from the region with their rehabilitation in their original lands outside CHT; 

2. The Government of Bangladesh must allow the CHT Local Government to function as per its mandate. 

3. The Government of Bangladesh must implement the CHT Accord in letter and spirit and the international community must press the Government of Bangladesh for 1., 2. and 3. mentioned here and above. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Postgraduate Scholarships for International Students at Kingston University in UK, 2014

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Kingston University offers postgraduate scholarships for international students in the UK. These scholarships are open to prospective full-time postgraduates in any subject area on a one-year taught masters degree based at Kingston University. University offer awards totaling £200,000 every year, with each international scholarship worth £3,500. Applicants must have an offer of a place on a course at Kingston for 2013/14 entry and not currently be registered on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Kingston University. The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit. The application deadline is 18 November 2013.

Study Subject (s): Postgraduates scholarships  are  awarded in any subject area on a one-year taught masters degree based at Kingston University.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing taught masters degree at Kingston University
Scholarship Provider: Kingston University, UK
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: You can apply for an award if you:
-are an international student (classified as ‘overseas’ for fee purposes);
-have an offer of a place on a course at Kingston for 2013/14 entry; and
-are not currently registered on a postgraduate course at Kingston University.

Scholarship Open for International Students: International students can apply for these scholarships.

Scholarship Description: We offer awards totaling £200,000 every year, with each international scholarship worth £3,500. These are open to prospective full-time postgraduates in any subject area on a one-year taught masters degree based at Kingston University. Scholarship applications for January 2014 entry are now open.

Number of award (s): Not Known
Duration of award(s): Scholarships are offered for one-year.
What does it cover? University offer awards totaling £200,000 every year, with each international scholarship worth £3,500.

Selection criteria: The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of:
-academic merit;
-what you expect to gain from the course you are taking; and
-what you intend to do after completing the course.
Notification: Not Known

How to Apply: -The mode of applying is online.
Before you begin your application, please make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria. You must:
-be an international student (classified as ‘overseas’ for fee purposes);
-have an offer of a place on a course at Kingston for 2013/14 entry; and
-not currently be registered on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Kingston University.
Please also note that you will need electronic copies of the following documents to make your application online:
-a copy of your offer letter;
-an academic reference letter;
-a copy of your academic transcript/worksheet; and
-a copy of your Academic IELTS or TOEFL result (where applicable).

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 18 November 2013.

You can visit other International Scholarships, are bellow: 

Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) for Overseas Applicants in Australia, 2014

UQ Merit Scholarships for Undergraduate Students in Australia, 2014

Conservation Leadership Scholarships for Developing Countries at University of Cambridge, UK 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Initiative to set up BGB battalion headquarters on 30 acres of lands evicting 50 families of indigenous villagers in Dighinala

Papen Tripura, 3 October 2013, Dighinala.

A file photo of indigenous peoples in CHT
Recently the Khagrachari district administration has taken initiatives to acquire 31.63 acres of lands belonging to indigenous villagers of three villages namely Santosh Kumar Karbari Para, Gobinda Karbari Para and Notu Chandra Karbari Para of Dighinala union under Dighinala upazila in Khagrachari district for establishment of battalion headquarters of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB).

It is learnt that, in 2002 the Home Ministry ordered the district administration to acquire land for BGB headquarter in order to strengthen security of the Bangladesh–India border of Baghaihat of Baghaichari upazila of Rangamati district and Naraichari of Dighinala upazila of Khagrachari district. The local indigenous villagers fear that at least 50 indigenous families will be evicted from their ancestral land if the scheme is implemented.

On the contrary, the local administration claimed that there are only 2.20 acres of recorded land in the name of one Ramani Mohan Chakma and another one late Birsen Chakma amid 29.81 acres of land under acquisition. The remaining 27.61 acres of land are khas land of the government.

But the indigenous villagers informed that there are recorded land of at least 15 persons and 0.30 acres of land in the name of each 58 persons given settlement by the local headman. Furthermore, there are also 2.00 acres of land recorded in the name of Baghaichari Government Primary School.

The president of school governing committee Mr. Debotoru Chakma informed that there is a helipad, an Ansar camp and an army camp on 5.20 acres of land in the identified area. The helipad was established on 2.00 acres of recoded land of one Bajaram Chakma, the army camp was constructed on the 2.20 acres recoded of land of one late Lalit Mohan Chakma and the Ansar camp was set up on 1.00 acre of recorded land of one Manoranjan Chakma.

The headman of Dighinala mouza Mr. Prantor Chakma said that the intension of government is to occupy the indigenous peoples’ land in the name of construction of army camp or BGB camp. He said that the construction of BGB camp means strengthening the settlement of Bengali settlers at the area.

It is learnt that in 1989 during the critical political situation of Chittagong Hill Tracts, the local indigenous people of the area took refuge in the neighboring country India for safety. At that time, an army zone was established at the area. They returned to the homeland in 1998 after signing the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord, but failed to return to their homesteads. After that, they filed a writ petition in 2005 to get back their homesteads.

The Karbari of Sontosh Kumar Karbari Para Mr. Sontosh Kumar Chakma said that in 2005 total 11 persons including him filed a writ petition in High Court to get back their land which was incorporated in the extended area of the army camp. But they have not received any notice yet from the High Court. They have become astonished and helpless when the initiative to establish BGB headquarters has been taken in the meantime. One of the writ petitioners Mr. Ram Chandra Chakma said that there are total 14.20 acres of recorded land of 11 persons including him. As they have not received any notice or decision from High Court even after 8 years, finally they have started to build their homes on that land, but the army authority always obstructed them. At last, on 23 September 2013 a scuffle took place between the indigenous villagers and army due to the obstruction of the soldiers again when the indigenous peoples tried to erect houses on their land. 

On 24 September 2013 Democratic Youth Forum, PCP and Hill Women’s Federation, the branches of United Peoples’ Democratic Front (UPDF) organized a protest rally and gathering on 24 September at Dighinala and on 25 September at Khagrachari town against the clash and land grabbing. The secretary of information and publicity department of PCJSS, Mr. Mangal Kumar Chakma, in his reaction said that, construction of BGB camp through evicting public habitation will not be acceptable to anyone. He said, PCJSS would not accept it if the common people are affected.

Regarding the clash of 23 September 2013, Major Moin of Dighinala army zone said that there was no scuffle with anyone of them on that day. Rather, the tribal people were approaching toward them with sharp weaponries. He further added that official initiative is yet to be started to set up camp on this location. However, the government would acquire land through paying reasonable compensations and government can acquire any land as per requirement through paying compensations and any one has to comply with it, he said. 

Regarding the setting up of headquarters, Commander of the 51 BGB Lt. Colonel Azad said that district administration was ordered by Home Ministry to manage the land acquirement. They would start construction of BGB battalion headquarters soon after completion of the land acquisition. 

The Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Khagrachari district Mr. Masud Karim said that the acquisition process is at the final stage. The land would be acquired except the lands of 10 cases of writ petition in the High Court. When asked whether the matter was discussed with the Hill District Council, the DC said, the land would be acquired through accomplishing all legal procedures.

On the other hand, the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord (clause 26b) states, “Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, no land, hill or forest under the controlled and within the jurisdiction of the Council shall be acquired or transferred by the Government without consultation with or the consent of the Council”.

List of villagers who claim ownership of land

Village: Jatna Kumar Karberi Para
1. Natun Chandra Chakma, S/O- Jatna Kumar Chakma, Case no-166/Head, Holding no-56/A.
2. Jatna Kumar Chakma, S/O-Golak Chan Chakma, Case no-168/Head, Holding no-57/A.
3. Ashapurna Chakma, S/O- Chandra Kumar Chakma, Case no-144/Head, Holding no-67.
4. Surajoy Chakma, S/O- Gula Chakma, Case no-226/Head, Holding no-51/A.
5. Debabrata Chakma, S/O- Chandra Kumar Chakma, Case no-185/Head, Holding no- 120.
6. Dhhankala Chakma, S/O- Khudi Ram Chakma, Case no-203/Head, Holding no- 253.
7. Mohendra Chakma, S/O- late Puran Chan Chakma, 216/Head, Holding no-430.
8. Khudi Ram Chakma, S/O- late Nagor Chan Chakma, Case no-518/Head, Holding no- 274.
9. Gayanendu Bikash Chakma, S/O- Ranjonsur Chakma, Case no- 245/Head, Holding no- 65/A.
10. Ranjonsur Chakma, S/O- late Surendra Chakma, Case no-244/Head, Holding no-60/A.
11. Tandra Chakma, W/O- Ashapurna Chakma, Case no-237/Head, Holding no- 119.
12. Sunadi Chakma, S/O- Khudi Ram Chakma, Case no-176/Head, Holding no- 252.
13. Aswhini Kumar Chakma, S/O- late Sadhan Chandra Chakma, Case no-170/Head, Holding no- 249.
14. Prashanta Chakma, S/O- Doya Mohan Chakma, Case no-491/Head, Holding no-236/266.
15. Debataru Chakma, S/O- Doya Mohan Chakma, Case no-492/Head, Holding no- 237/267.
16. Bimal Kanti Chakma, S/O Ranjanya Chakma, Case no-412/A, Holding no- 806/A.
17. Tapan Jyoti Chakma, S/O- Kamal Kumar Chakma, Case no-410/A, Holding no-804/A.
18. Biwshajit Chakma S/O- Rajib Lochan Chakma, Case no-475/A, Holding no- 869/A.
19. Jagajya Chakma, S/O- Rangachula Chakma, Case no-452/08, Holding no-09/845.
20. Babul Kanti Chakma, S/O- Laxmi Kumar Chakma, Case no-452/06, Holding no-07/845.
21. Sanakkya Chakma, S/O- Pryo Ranjion Chakma, Case no-452/05, Holding no- 06/845.
22. Kamalendu Chakma, S/O- Kalidar Chakma, Case no- 452/09, Holding no-10/845.
23. Dharma Dhan Chakma, S/O- Rangauda Chakma, Case no-452/04, Holding no-05/845.
24. Sangha Ratan Chakma, S/O- Surajoy Chakma, Case no-452/03, Holding no-04/845.
25. Laxmi Kummar Chakma, S/O- Late Indrajoy Chakma, Case no-452/02, Holding no-03/845.
26. Tatul Kanti Chakma, S/O- Laxmi Kumar Chakma, Case no-452/01, Holding no-02/845.
27. Gayna Ranjion Chakma, S/O- Rangamuoa Chakma, Case no-267, Holding no- 662.
28. Prodip Chandra Chakma, S/O-Late Ananda Kumar Chakma, Case no-295, Holding no- 689.
29. Bindu Chakma, S/O- Ranjon Sur Chakma, Case no- 369, Holding no- 762/763.
30. Badi Chan Cahkma, S/O- Probhat Chandra Chakma, Case no-374, Holding no- 768/A.
31. Sadhan Bikash Chakma, S/O- Lalit Sona Chakma, Case no-385, Holding no- 780/A.
32. Priyo Ranjion Chakma, S/O- Sadhan Chandra Chkma, Case no-399, Holding no-793/A.
33. Mrinal kanti Chakma, S/O- Bana Chakma, Case no- 401/A, Holding no-795/A.
34. Kamala Ratan Chakma, S/O- Surajoy Chakma, Case no- 452/A, Holding no-845/A.
35. Lelin Chakma S/O Rajib Lochan Chakma, Case no-29/452, Holding no-30/845.

Village: Shashi Mohan Karbari Para
1. Shachindra Lal Chakma, S/O-Shashi Mohan Chakma, Case no-517/A, Holding no- 912.
2. Babul Kanti Chakma, S/O- Shachindra Lal Chakma, Case no-467/A, Holding no- 861/A.
3. Amor Chakma, S/O- Baja Ram Chakma, Case no- 471/A, Holding no- 861/A.
4. Santosh Kumar Chakma, S/O- Shashi Mohan Chakma, Case no- 623/A, Holding no- 1018.
5. Smriti Moy Chakma, S/O-late Ananda Mohan Chakma, Case no- 10/452, Holding no-11/845.
6. Baja Ram Chakma, S/O- late Shashi Mohan Chakma, Case no-11/452, Holding no- 12/845.
7. Purna Chandra Chakma, S/O- late Shashi Mohan Chakma, Case no-12/452, Holding no-13/845.
8. Jagadish Chakma, S/O- late Ananda Mohan Chakma, Case no-13/452,Holding no- 14/845.
9. Debataru Chakma, S/O- Kali Mohan Chakma, Case no- 14/452, Holding no-15/845.
10. Kalpataru Chakma, S/O- Kali Mohan Chakma, Case no-15/452, Holding no-16/845.
11. Dipayon Chakma, S/O- Kali Mohan Chakma, Case no- 16/452, Holding no-17/845.
12. Shukra Mohan Chakma, S/O- late Dhananjoy Chakma, Case no- 17/452, Holding no- 18/845.
13. Priyo Kanti Chakma, S/O- late Dhananjoy Chakma, Case no- 18/452, Holding no-19/845.
14. Kanti Chakma, S/O- Santosh Kumar Chakma, Case no- 19/452, Holding no- 20/845.
15. Sunil Kanti Chakma, S/O- Santosh Kumar Chakma, Case no- 20/452, Holding no-21/845.
16. Shyamol Chakma, S/O- late Ratna Kumar Chakma, Case no-21/452, Holding no- 22/845.
17. Midhu Ram Chakma, S/O- late Ratna Kumar Chakma, Case no- 22/452, Holding no- 23/845.
18. Fareya Chakma, S/O- late Medojya Chakma, Case no- 23/452, Holding no-24/845.
19. Kista Ranjion Chakma, S/O- late Ara Kumar Chakma, Case no-24/452, Holding no 25/845.
20. Bilaha Sundari Chakma, W/O- late Ananda Mohan Chakma, Case no-25/452, Holding no-26/845.
21. Sonadhan Chakma, S/O- Senha Ranjion Chakma, Case no- 26/452, Holding no- 27/845.
22. Chandak Cahkma, S/O- Foreya Chakma, Case no-27/452, Holding no-28/845.
23. Ripan Cahkma, S/O- unkown, Case no-28/452, Holding no-29/845.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Still darkness has not gone!

Rajshahi in Bangladesh, where Bengalies are number one and indigenous peoples are number two!!! 

Courtesy: Prothom Ato, Editorial, 05 October, 2013


Friday, October 4, 2013

PCP Matiranga sub-district and college branch conference celebrated

The hoisting programme of the national flag with the national anthem

The Chittagong Hill Tracts Hill Students Council (PCP) is an organisation of the indigenous Jumma students in the CHT, has celebrated their 3rd Matiranga sub-district and college branch conference at Horticulture Park in Khagrachhari town yesterday. 

"Oppose fratricidal conflict and force the movement to implementation of the CHT treaty", was the slogan of the conference. The programme was begun through raising the national flag and the PCP's flag with the national anthem and the party anthem of PCP. PCJSS vice-president and the CHT Regional Council member Mr. Rupayan Dewan was present as a chief guest and Mr. Tatindra Lal Chakma alias Major Pele also present as a special guest and deliver their important speech in the programme.

The oath taking ceremony of the newly elected committee of PCP
The speakers encouraged the students to concentrate them in their studies and at the same time read books on biography of wise men and revolutionary leaders and also read those books which can help a man to be free from any dogmatism and extremism. The speakers further called upon the students not to hate politics and avoid politics but to be politically conscious, so that they can judge what is right and what is wrong, as without politics it is difficult to survive in the CHT, in the country and in the world. The speakers also opined that only with active participation of students and the youths the closure of ongoing Jumma political violence and implementation of the CHT Accord could be achieved. 

The oath taking ceremony of the newly elected committee of PCP
The speakers opined that BNP does not recognize the CHT Accord while Awami League signed the accord and gave her strongest commitment for its implementation, but it has betrayed with the Jumma people and hence remarked, “We want to see how the Awami League comes to us in next one month or so. Mr. Rupayan Dewan, vice president of PCJSS and CHT Regional Council member told the audience that the CHT administration was brought under active service in 1982 under sections 7 and 8 of the Bangladesh Army Act 1952 in aide of the CHT’s civil administration for maintaining law and order. But, he questioned the rationale of keeping this order valid as of now giving the instances of recent communal attack on the Jummas in Tendyong union (3rd August) and also the communal attack in Khagarachari and Baghaihat in February 2010 as it fails to protect the Jummas.

At the end of the conference, formed a 17-member of Matiranga sub-district branch and a 17-member of Matiranga college committee and declared Mr. Nilay Marma as president and Mr. Bim Chakma as general secretary of the PCP Matiranga sub-district branch and also declared Mr. James Tripura and Mr. Jeeban Jouty Chakma as president and general secretary of the PCP Matiranga college committee respectively. 

PCJSS central committee finance secretary Mr. Uday Kiran Tripura, PCJSS central committee secretary of student affairs Mr. Sudhakar Tripura, PCJSS central committee assistant secretary of student affairs Mr. Angshuman Chakma, PCP Central committee vice-president Mr. Rupan Chakma, PCP central committee general secretary Amar Sing Chakma,  PCP Central organising secretary Mr. Santa Chakma, PCP central committee assistant general secretary Mr. Suhel Tripura, Matiranga college PCP activist Miss Jely Chakma also spoke of the conference chaired by Mr. Rupesh Chakma.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

PCJSS Khagarachari district conference held yesterday

Courtesy: CHT Voice, Tuesday, October 01, 2013 

Mr. Tatindra Lal Chakma alias Major Pele, General Secretary, PCJSS, delivers his speech
With the slogan, “Unite for implementation of CHT Accord and achievement of self-determination of the Jumma people”, the 5th PCJSS Khagarachari district conference was held yesterday at Khagarapur Community Centre, Khagarachari town soon after hoisting the national flag with national anthem followed by the hoisting of the party flag. The conference was presided over by Mr. Sudhakar Tripura alias Moon, president of the retiring Khagarachari district committee and sitting JSS central committee member.

On behalf of the outgoing district committee Mr. Bimal Kanti Chakma, a veteran of PCJSS political front during the armed movement and also the sitting PCJSS organizing secretary placed a 22-member panel for the consideration of the conference. The conference passed it without any change for the next three years.  Mr. Pritimoy Chakma alias doctor Jugal is the new president of the committee while Mr. Aradhyapal Khisa (Apollo) has been elected as the general secretary. The committee also accommodates Marma, Tripura and women members.

Photo of 5th PCJSS Khagrachhari District conference'13
Ms. Durgarani Chakma, vice president of Panchari Thana Mohila Samiti (women wing of PCJSS) and also a PCJSS central committee member informed the conference that many women in Panchari area have been showing great interest to be part of the Jumma movement under the banner of the mohila samiti.  

The conference begun with the reading out of condolence     proposal followed by one minute silence in honour of the martyred who have sacrificed their lives during the great Jumma armed movement and afterwards. The condolence programme was conducted by Mr. Bimal Kanti Chakma, sitting PCJSS central committee having long association with the movement as a Shanti Bahini veteran commander.

Mr. Tatindra Lal Chakma alias Major Pele, general secretary of the PCJSS told the conference, “Three years ago when there was party bifurcation we had to organize the 4th Khagarachari PCJSS District conference in a deep jungle as the district administration did not count us as a power and did oppose holding of our conference. Today, we are a power and are organised and hence we are organizing the conference in Khagarachari town.”

Photo of 5th PCJSS Khagrachhari District conference'13
The speakers delivered their opinion on the report tabled by the outgoing district committee. All the speakers appreciated the report and hailed the contents mentioned in it. The speakers raised the ongoing problems of the party and the Jumma people and analyzed from their point of views and finally expressed their firm determination to overcome the terrible moments the Jumma people has been passing through, under the leadership of Sudhasindhu Khisa-Rupayan Dewan-Tatindra Lal Chakma. Mr. Bimal Kanti Chakma alias Prajit, a former Shanti Bahini commander and presently a PCJSS central committee member, informed the conference during his firebrand speech that in many parts of the CHT the common men and also educated sections of the Jumma societies have been showing their trust and interest in Sudhasindhu Khisa, Rupayan Dewan and Tatindra Lal Chakma. 

Mr. Sudhasindhu Khisa, PCJSS president and Mr. Rupayan Dewan, vice president of PCJSS also spoke as the chief guest and special guest respectively. The 7 hour-long conference was declared over at 5 pm by Mr. Sudhakar Tripura, a former Shanti Bahini commander, after giving a short speech followed by slogans expressing determination for establishing the rights of Jumma people and also closure of the violent politics.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

News Analysis

Ramu, stories of the dark

Syed Badrul Ahsan 

Courtesy: The Daily Star, Dhaka, Monday, September 30, 2 013

There is yet no news of Uttam Barua. Even a year after Islamist fanatics vandalised Buddhist temples in Ramu and other areas in the south-east of the country and weeks after the inauguration of the renovated temples by the prime minister, the young man remains missing.

The bigger surprise is that no one in the corridors of power is worried about his disappearance, about whether he is dead or alive. Only his family waits, in worry and fear. Uttam Barua’s father breaks into tears. Hardly anyone pays attention to the pain that eats away at him.

What happened to the Buddhist community last year was but a lengthening of the sinister shadows that have regularly come over the religious minorities in Bangladesh. In a free, professedly secular Bangladesh, it was not supposed to be this way, for it was Bangalee nationalism which propelled the masses, in the brief five years between 1966 and 1971, toward the attainment of a non-communal political entity. It was supposed to be a nation for all Bangalees– across caste, creed, politics and social standing.

Given what happened in Ramu, given the ferocity with which communalism is being fanned in the country, the fear holds that a land of communal harmony has lost touch with its founding principles.

The facts are revealing of the reality. The Hindu population of the country is on a decline. Something is happening, quietly and imperceptibly, to push the community out of the country, into countries beyond our frontiers. The pattern, of course, was set through the partition of 1947, when millions of Hindus and Muslims left ancestral homes because of their faith. Tens of thousands lost their lives, on the eastern and western ends of what till then constituted British-ruled India.

Thereafter, a fresh bout of communal disturbances in 1950 forced another large group of Hindus to leave East Bengal for India. In that group were some of the very best of the community — teachers, artistes, upcoming writers. In a communal Pakistan, it was made clear non-Muslims had little or no place.

Fast forward to 1964, when the chaos at the Hazratbal shrine in distant Kashmir encouraged the Ayub Khan-Monem Khan clique here in a yet to be Bangladesh to fan the flames of a fresh new communal riot. Thousands of Hindus who had braved the chaos of the 1950s did not feel confident enough to stay back in a country that had historically been home to them. They left. Among them were, once more, many of the brightest of men and women in the community. Their departure left a gaping vacuum — and a gaping wound — in our nationalistic conscience.

The India-Pakistan war of September 1965 led to a further exodus of Hindus from this land. The ruling circles of Pakistan then committed a most despicable deed — they fashioned the infamous Enemy Property Act to prevent any Hindu from legally dispensing with his possessions and moving on. In time, in Bangladesh, a euphemistic turn was given to the questionable law. It became the Vested Property Act. When today the Hindu community demands changes to the law, the bureaucracy squirms.

The legacy of communalism continues to eat away into the vitals of this nation. The country’s Christians are a depleted lot; its Buddhists, for all the renovation of temples and monasteries in Ramu and Ukhia, do not believe they can trust their Muslim neighbours or the state any more. Despite the foreign minister’s inexplicable assertion that there are no indigenous people in Bangladesh, the truth remains, and remains bitter: everything is being done to deprive our indigenous population of traditional rights to their hearths and homes and to their culture. The hills were once their home. Today the hills are a nightmare they live through.

A few days ago, a middle-aged Muslim cleric, in an enthusiastic sermon at a milad, prayed that the Almighty turn all Hindus, all Christians and all Buddhists of Bangladesh into Muslims. His audience nodded in approval.

It was a worrying sign of how history and heritage could mutate into all-encompassing fanaticism. It evoked dark memories of the destroyed Buddhas at Bamiyan at the hands of the Taliban, of the razed Kali Mandir at Suhrawardy Udyan per courtesy of the Pakistan army.


 "A year of the Ramu attack" Written by Pragyananda Vikhsu, Assistant-director of Kendriya Seema Bouddha Bihara, Ramu, Cox-bazar.  

রামু সহিংসতার এক বছর

রহস্য এখনো অনুদ্ঘাটিত

প্রজ্ঞানন্দ ভিক্ষু

প্রথম আলো, সম্পাদকীয়, সেপ্টেম্বর ২৯, ২০১৩ |

২০১২ সালের ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর মধ্যরাতকেউ ঘুমের ঘোরে মগ্ন, কেউ তখনো জেগে আছে বৌদ্ধবিহারের নিরপরাধ নিরীহ ভিক্ষু শ্রামণেরা নিরাপদ স্থানে পালিয়ে যাচ্ছেগৃহবাসীরা গৃহ ছেড়ে পালাচ্ছেচারদিকে ধুমধাম, মার মার কাট কাট আওয়াজবড়ুয়াদের গালে গালে, জুতা মারো তালে তালে; বড়ুয়াদের চামড়া, তুলে নেব আমরাএমন অনেক সাম্প্রদায়িক স্লোগানে প্রকম্পিত বৌদ্ধ জনপদ আগুনের লেলিহান শিখায় দগ্ধ হচ্ছে বিহার, বুদ্ধমূর্তি, ত্রিপিটক, নিদর্শন, ঐতিহ্য, পূজার থালাসবকিছুসম্প্রীতির গায়ে কখন যে আগুন লেগে গেল কেউ বুঝতেই পারল না৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর উখিয়া, টেকনাফ, পটিয়ায় একই ঘটনার পুনরাবৃত্তি হলোহতবাক বাংলাদেশ! শুরুটা রামু থেকে হয়েছেক্ষয়ক্ষতির পরিমাণ ও সহিংসতার মাত্রা রামুতে বেশি হয়েছিল বলেই নাম বনে গেল রামু সহিংসতাএখন রামু সহিংসতা বললে সবাই বোঝে, এর মানে কী ঘটনার পরবর্তী সরকারি উদ্যোগে ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত বৌদ্ধবিহার এবং বৌদ্ধবসতিগুলো দ্রুত পুনর্নির্মাণ, পুনর্বাসন, নিরাপত্তা জোরদার, আক্রান্ত এলাকাগুলোতে মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রীর একাধিকবার আগমন, ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিদের পাশে দাঁড়ানো, ইত্যাদি পদক্ষেপ নিঃসন্দেহে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিদের ক্ষতিপূরণে এবং আতঙ্ক, ভয়, আস্থাহীনতা কমিয়ে আনতে অগ্রণী ভূমিকা পালন করেছেমাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী এবং তাঁর সরকারের এমন মানবিক ভূমিকা ও আন্তরিকতার কারণে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিরাও খুব খুশিদেশ এবং আন্তর্জাতিক পরিমণ্ডলেও সরকার এর জন্য প্রশংসার দাবি রাখেবাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনী ১৭ ইসিবি এসডব্লিউও চট্টগ্রাম অঞ্চলের সার্বিক তত্ত্বাবধানে নির্মাণকাজ সম্পন্ন করা হয়েছে কেবল তাঁদের দায়িত্ববোধের ভিত্তিতে নয়, সঙ্গে আন্তরিকতার অভাব ছিল না বলেই কাজ দ্রুত সম্পন্ন হয়েছে৩ সেপ্টেম্বর আনুষ্ঠানিক উদ্বোধনের পর থেকে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিরা নবনির্মিত বিহারগুলোতে পূজা, বন্দনা ও উপাসনা শুরু করেছেনআগের মতো দেশ ও বিশ্বশান্তি কামনায় প্রার্থনাও হচ্ছে পুরোদমে সরকার এবং আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনীর পাশাপাশি জাতি-ধর্ম-দল-মতনির্বিশেষে দেশবাসী যেভাবে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিদের পাশে এসে দাঁড়িয়েছিলেন, তা অভূতপূর্ব এবং বিরল এক ঘটনাদেশি-বিদেশি টিভি চ্যানেল, অনলাইন পত্রিকা, দৈনিক পত্রপত্রিকা, গণমাধ্যমের কথা কৃতজ্ঞতার সঙ্গে স্মরণ করতে হয়টিভি চ্যানেলগুলো সর্বোচ্চ প্রচারণা চালিয়ে গেছে অনেক লেখক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রবন্ধ-নিবন্ধ লিখেছেনসবার প্রতি অশেষ কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাই
২৯ সেপ্টেম্বরের আগে এবং রামুর বৌদ্ধবিহার পুরাকীর্তি ও নিদর্শনগুলো দেশ-বিদেশের পর্যটকদের কাছে টানতপুনর্নির্মিত বিহারগুলোও পর্যটকদের কাছে টানবে নিঃসন্দেহেকিন্তু বিহারগুলোতে অমূল্য যে সম্পদ ছিল, সেগুলোর আর দেখা মিলবে নাপুরো বিহারেই ফাঁকা ফাঁকা পরিবেশ বিরাজ করছেনেই কোনো প্রাচীনত্বের ছাপআগে বিভিন্ন নিদর্শন ঐতিহ্য নিয়ে কত কথা হতোএখন শুধু পর্যটক এলে ছবি তোলেন, একটু বিনোদন নেওয়ার চেষ্টা করেনঅনেকে বলেন, বিহার পুড়ে আপনাদের অনেক লাভ হয়েছেএখন কোটি কোটি টাকার দামি পাকা দালান বিহার হয়েছেঅপমান আর মানসিক জ্বালা নিয়ে মাথা নিচু করে থাকা ছাড়া তাঁদের প্রতি কী-ই বা বলার থাকেবলার প্রয়োজনবোধও করি নামিয়ানমার ও থাইল্যান্ড থেকে আসা বুদ্ধমূর্তিগুলো ভাগে দুইটা করে পাওয়া গেছেথাইওয়ান থেকে প্রচুর ধর্মীয় গ্রন্থ পাওয়া গেছেপ্রথম আলো পাঠাগার সৃষ্টিতে সহায়তা করার প্রতিশ্রুতি দিয়েছেসংরক্ষিত পবিত্র ধাতু, পুঁথিপত্র বিভিন্ন ভাষার অসংখ্য ত্রিপিটকখণ্ড চিরতরে হারিয়ে গেল

স্বর্ণমূর্তি, রৌপ্যমূর্তি, ব্রোঞ্চমূর্তি, শ্বেতপাথরের মূর্তি, পিতলের মূর্তিসহ বিভিন্ন আকারের অসংখ্য বুদ্ধমূর্তির জন্য মিনি মিউজিয়ামের মতো ছিল কেন্দ্রীয় সীমা বিহারের সংগ্রহশালাউত্তর মিঠাছড়ি প্রজ্ঞামিত্র বনবিহার, চেরাংঘাটা বড় ক্যাং এবং শ্রীকূল মৈত্রী বিহারেও অনেক বুদ্ধমূর্তি ছিলদেশ-বিদেশ থেকে পাওয়া গুরু ভান্তের (সত্যপ্রিয় মহাথের) সুদীর্ঘ ৬০ বছরের অর্জন অসংখ্য মানপত্র, ক্রেস্ট, অভিধা, দুর্লভ উপহারসামগ্রী, সনদএসব আর ফিরে পাওয়ার মতো নয়যাঁদের বসতবাড়ি পুড়েছে, তাঁদেরও অনেকের আপনজনদের স্মৃতিচিহ্ন মুছে গেছেএই ক্ষতিগুলো কি কখনো পূরণ হয়? সরকার ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিদের জন্য যা করেছে, তা এককথায় অনন্য অসাধারণ একটি কাজ করেছেতার পাশাপাশি বিহারগুলোর ভেতরের শূন্যতা কাটিয়ে ওঠার জন্য যদি কোনো পদক্ষেপ নেওয়া হয়, তাহলে নবনির্মিত বিহারগুলোর ঘাটতি কিছুটা লাঘব হতো বিহারগুলোতে অপূরণীয় সম্পদের পাশাপাশি পূরণীয় অনেক সম্পদও ছিল
ঘটনার পরবর্তী রামু, উখিয়া ও টেকনাফে ১৯টি মামলা হয়মামলায় ১৫ হাজারেরও বেশিসংখ্যক মানুষকে আসামি করা হয়পাঁচ শতাধিক ব্যক্তি আটক হনএক শতাধিক ব্যক্তি আটকাবস্থা থেকে মুক্তি পান২ ও ৩ সেপ্টেম্বর পুলিশ সাতটি মামলার চার্জশিট দাখিল করেমামলায় ৩৬৪ জনকে অভিযুক্ত করা হয়অবশিষ্ট ১২টি মামলার চার্জশিট প্রক্রিয়াধীনএকজন বৌদ্ধভিক্ষু হিসেবে হামলা, মামলা, আটক, থানা, পুলিশ, আসামিএসব নিয়ে মাতামাতি করা ভিক্ষুজীবনের নীতিবিরুদ্ধ কাজবৌদ্ধভিক্ষুদের ধ্যানাসনে ছাড়া অন্য কোথাও শোভা পায় নাএমনকি সিংহাসনেও না৩ সেপ্টেম্বর প্রথম আলোতে ৭ মামলার প্রধান আসামিদের অভিযোগপত্রে নাম নেইশীর্ষক সংবাদ প্রকাশিত হয়প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়, ‘পুলিশসূত্রে জানা গেছে, সাত মামলায় যাঁরা প্রধান আসামি ছিলেন, তাঁদের নাম অভিযোগপত্রে নেই২ সেপ্টেম্বরের প্রথম আলোর আরেক প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়, ‘সাত মামলায় অভিযুক্ত ৩৬৪ জন আসামির মধ্যে উল্লেখযোগ্য কেউ নেইহামলার সময় পুলিশের হাতে আটক লোকজনই মামলার আসামি হয়েছে১৪ সেপ্টেম্বর কক্সবাজার থেকে প্রকাশিত দৈনিক দৈনন্দিন পত্রিকায় ১২ মামলা নিয়ে পুলিশ বিপাকেশীর্ষক সংবাদ প্রকাশিত হয় প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়, ‘ক্ষমতাসীন দলের নেতা-কর্মীদের চার্জশিট থেকে বাদ দেওয়ার জন্য পুলিশের ওপর চাপ সৃষ্টি করা হচ্ছেআমরা বারবার বলে আসছি যে নির্দোষ কোনো ব্যক্তি যাতে শাস্তি ও হয়রানির শিকার না হয়এটা হলে সম্প্রীতির জন্য ক্ষতিকর হবেরামু সহিংসতা দলীয় মনোভাব থেকে হয়নিঘটনার পরবর্তী আত্মরক্ষা এবং ব্যক্তিস্বার্থে দলের লেবাস ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে তথ্য সংগ্রহ, ভিডিও ফুটেজ, ছবি, জবানবন্দি, সাক্ষ্য-প্রমাণের ভিত্তিতেই পুলিশকে এগোতে হবেপুলিশের বাকি ১২টি মামলার চার্জশিট যাতে প্রশ্নবিদ্ধ না হয়, সেদিকে পূর্ণ সতর্কতা প্রয়োজনঅভিযোগপত্র একটি স্পর্শকাতর বিষয় এটা পূর্ণ নিরপেক্ষতার ভিত্তিতেই হওয়া উচিতঅবশ্য এ ক্ষেত্রে পুলিশেরও কিছু সীমাবদ্ধতা আছেপুলিশের কাজে প্রভাব বিস্তার না করলে পুলিশ শতভাগ স্বচ্ছতার ভিত্তিতে কাজ করতে পারবেরামুর বাসিন্দা সুপ্রিম কোর্টের আইনজীবী ব্যারিস্টার জ্যোর্তিময় বড়ুয়ার করা এক রিট আবেদনের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ের এক তদন্ত প্রতিবেদন আদালতে দাখিল করা হয়প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়, ‘পরিকল্পনার ছক কারা, কোথায়, কখন এবং কীভাবে করেছিল, তা নির্ধারণ করা যায়নিঅর্থাৎ ঘটনার মূল হোতা কারা, তা শনাক্ত করা যায়নিঅথচ ঘটনার পর থেকেই এক দল আরেক দলকে, এক নেতা অপর নেতাকে দোষারোপ করে আসছেনঘটনার নেপথ্যে রাঘব বোয়ালেরা যদি চিহ্নিতও না হন, তাহলে চার্জশিট গঠন হচ্ছে কাদের বিরুদ্ধে এবং বিচার হবে কাদের? পরিকল্পিতভাবে যাঁরা ঘটনাটি ঘটিয়েছেন, তাঁরা আসলেই কৌশলী ও মেধাবীতাঁরা অনায়াসে সফলও হয়েছেন এবং এখন পারও পেয়ে যাচ্ছেনসন্দেহের ভিত্তিতে ১৫ হাজার মানুষকে আসামি করা ও ধরপাকড় করার চেয়ে পরিকল্পনাকারী ও চক্রান্তকারীদের আবিষ্কার করতে পারলে ঘটনার মূল শিকড়ে পৌঁছানো যেতঘটনার মূল হোতা কারা, সেদিন স্থানীয় প্রশাসন নিষ্ক্রিয় ছিল কেন, এতটা সময় পেয়ে ও আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনী যথাসময়ে পদক্ষেপ নিতে পারল না কেন? এসব প্রশ্নের সমাধান না হলে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিরা নিজেদের এখনো নিরাপদ মনে করতে পারছেন নাঘটনার এক বছর কেটে গেল কিন্তু ঘটনার রহস্য এখনো অন্ধকারে রয়ে গেছেনিরাশ হওয়ারই কথা

প্রজ্ঞানন্দ ভিক্ষু: সহকারী পরিচালক, কেন্দ্রীয় সীমা বৌদ্ধবিহার