Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Buddhist monks protest move to acquire 25 acres of land

Courtesy: The Daily Star | Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Buddhist monks form a human chain in front of Bandarban Press Club yesterday, protesting a BGB move to acquire 25 acres of land in Taracha area of Rowangchhari upazila of the district. Photo: Star

Buddhist monks and indigenous people formed a human chain in the district town yesterday, protesting BGB's move to acquire about 25 acres of land at Taracha mouza in Rowangchhari upazila.

They have urged the government not to allocate the land to the BGB as several historical structures, including Ram Jadi temple, meditation centre, Ram Mahabijoy Buddhist temple and Ram Naung Daw Gre Jadi temple, are situated in the area.

At the human chain programme, speakers said Buddhist devotees will be unhappy if the plan of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) to acquire the land is implemented.

Shai Thoai Ching Marma, chairman of Taracha union parishad, Bacho Mong Marma, secretary of Ram Jadi temple committee, and Mong Shai Prue Marma, among others, spoke on the occasion.

Later, they submitted a memorandum to the prime minister through Deputy Commissioner KM Tariqul Islam in favour of the demand.

The indigenous people also brought out a procession in the town.

BGB Bandarban office sources said the acquisition of land is under process to build BGB Bandarban sector headquarters in the mouza as no people reside in the area.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Complete the process of squatting indigenous peoples' land to setting up the headquarter of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) in Dighinala, taking compensation letter to owners

Courtesy: | Wednesday, April 23, 2014

দীঘিনালায় বিজিবি সদর দপ্তর স্থাপনে পাহাড়িদের জায়গা জবরদখল প্রক্রিয়া সম্পন্ন, ক্ষতিপূরণ গ্রহণে মালিকদেরকে চিঠি

খাগড়াছড়ির দীঘিনালার বাবুছড়ায় বিজিবি(বর্ডার গার্ড বাংলাদেশ) সদর দপ্তর স্থাপনের লক্ষ্যে ৪নং দীঘিনালা ইউনিয়নের ৫১নং দীঘিনালা মৌজাস্থ যত্ন কুমার কার্বারী পাড়া এবং শশী মোহন কার্বারী পাড়ায় পাহাড়িদের ৫৩ একর জায়গা জবরদখল (অধিগ্রহণ) প্রক্রিয়া সম্পন্ন করেছে সরকার। পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম ভূমি অধিগ্রহণ প্রবিধান, ১৯৫৮ অনুযায়ী   জবরদখল (অধিগ্রহণ) করা হয়েছে বলে জেলা প্রশাসনের ভূমি হুকুম দখল কর্মকর্তা মো: আলী রিয়াজের স্বাক্ষরিত  জায়গা মালিকদেরকে দেয়া এক চিঠিতে জানা গেছে। জবরদখলের ফলে স্ব স্ব জায়গা-জমি চিরতরে হারাতে হচ্ছে ৪৭ পরিবার পাহাড়িকে

ক্ষতিপূরণের টাকা গ্রহণ প্রসঙ্গেললিত মোহন চাকমার নামে ইস্যুকৃত চিঠিতে (যার স্মারক নং-০৫.৪২.৪৬০০.০১৮.০১৪.০২.১৩(অংশ-)-৭৯, ইস্যু তারিখ: ১০/০৪/১৪ খ্রিষ্টাব্দ) বলা হয়েছে, ‘যেহেতু আপনার/আপনাদের তফসিলের জমি জনস্বার্থে খাগড়াছড়ি জেলার দীঘিনালা উপজেলায় বাবুছড়া বিজিবি সদর দপ্তর স্থাপন প্রকল্পের জন্য (পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম(ভূমি অধিগ্রহণ) প্রবিধান, ১৯৫৮ অনুযায়ী অধিগ্রহণ করা হইয়াছে; সেহেতু আপনার/আপনাদের জমির ক্ষতিপূরণ গ্রহণের জন্য নিম্নলিখিত শর্ত সাপেক্ষে আবেদন করার জন্য অনুরোধ করা হইল।
চিঠিতে শর্তাবলী হিসেবে ভূমি মালিকের আবেদনপত্র এবং তৎসহ নিম্নলিখিত কাগজপত্র সংযুক্ত করার কথা বলা হয়েছে:
() হেডম্যান কর্তৃক সত্যায়িত ছবি, () স্থানীয় পৌরসভা/ইউপি চেয়ারম্যানগণের নাগরিকত্ব সার্টিফিকেট, () হালসনের জমাবন্দীর কপি, () জমির হালসন খাজনার দাখিলা, () জন্ম নিবন্ধন সার্টিফিকেট, () সংশ্লিষ্ট ব্যাংকের ঋণমুক্ত সার্টিফিকেট

জমির তফসিল হিসেবে চিঠিতে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে : মৌজা নং- দীঘিনালা মৌজা, জেএল নং- ৫১, উপজেলা- দীঘিনালা, হোল্ডিং নং-৪৮, দাগ নম্বর- ৯৪৪(আং), ভূমির পরিমাণ-.৫০ (এক একর পঞ্চাশ শতক) একর, শ্রেণী- তৃতীয়। টাকার পরিমাণ লেখা হয়েছে ৬৯,০০০/-(ঊনসত্তর হাজার) টাকা

জায়গা মালিকদের মধ্যে ১১ জনকে চিঠি দেয়া হয়েছে বলে জানা গেছে

উল্লেখ্য, গত বছর অক্টোবর জায়গার মালিক এলাকাবাসী বিজিবি সদর দপ্তর স্থাপনের নামে উক্ত জমি অধিগ্রহণ না করার দাবি জানিয়ে স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী বরাবরে স্মারকলিপি দিয়েছিলেন। স্মারকলিপিতে তারা বিজিবির সেক্টর হেডকোয়ার্টার নির্মাণের জন্য ৫৩ একর জমি অধিগ্রহণ পরিকল্পনা রদ করা সহ জুম্ম শরণার্থীদের সাথে সরকারের সম্পাদিত ২০ দফা প্যাকেজ চুক্তি মোতাবেক নিজ জমিতে পুনর্বাসন করার দাবি জানিয়েছিলেন। এছাড়া বিভিন্ন সংগঠন ভূমি জবরদখলের প্রতিবাদ জানিয়ে বিক্ষোভ প্রদর্শন করেছে

মূলত: পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে ব্যাপক সেনা নির্যাতনের কারণে ১৯৮৬ সালে উক্ত জায়গায় বসবাসরত ৪৭ পরিবার পাহাড়ি নিজ জায়গা-জমি বসতভিটা ছেড়ে ভারতে পালিয়ে যেতে বাধ্য হন। এই সুযোগে উক্ত জায়গাটি বাবুছড়া সেনা ক্যাম্পের আওতায় নিয়ে যাওয়া হয়। ১৯৯৭ সালে ডিসেম্বর পার্বত্য চুক্তি সম্পাদিত হলে ভারতে আশ্রিত শরণার্থীরা ২০ দফা প্যাকেজ চুক্তি মোতাবেক দেশে প্রত্যাবর্তন করে। সবার মত উক্ত পরিবারগুলোও ফিরে আসে। কিন্তু তাদের জমিজমা সেনা ক্যাম্পের বেদখলে থাকায় তারা নিজ নিজ বসতভিটায় ফিরে যেতে পারেননি। চুক্তি মোতাবেক ভারত থেকে প্রত্যাগত শরনার্থীদের স্ব স্ব জমি ফিরিয়ে দেয়ার কথা থাকলেও ফেরত দেয়া হয়নি তাদের জায়গা-জমি। ফলে তারা কষ্টকর জীবন-যাপন করতে বাধ্য হচ্ছেন। বর্তমানে বিজিবি সদর দপ্তর স্থাপনে উক্ত জায়গাটি জবরদখল(অধিগ্রহণ) করার ফলে তাদের স্ব স্ব জায়গা-জমি ফেরত পাবার আর কোন সম্ভাবনাই রইলো না।

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Upazila Elections 2014: Indigenous candidates win 18 chairman posts, 20 female vice chairman and 17 vice chairman (general) posts

In the 4th Upazila Elections-2014 in Bangladesh, indigenous candidates won 18 chairman posts in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), 20 female vice chairman posts in CHT & plains and 17 vice chairman (general/male) posts in CHT.

In five phases, from February 19, 2014 to March 31, 2014, the 4th Upazila Parishad (Sub-district Council) elections were held in Bangladesh amid allegation of irregularities, vote rigging, snatching of ballot papers, attack on opponent groups etc. It is mentionable that the Upazilas (sub-districts) are the second lowest tier of local government bodies in Bangladesh with major responsibilities for ensuring local service delivery in all key sectors. The national administrative structure consists in fact in Divisions (7), Districts (64), Upazila Parishads (496) and Union Parishads (4451). Bangladesh, at present, has 496 upazilas.

Each Upazila Parishad composes with one chairman, one vice chairman (general) and one woman vice chairman. All three are elected through direct popular election. Union Parishad (lowest tier of administration) chairmen within the upazila are considered as the members of the Upazila Parishad.

Chairman: So far information received, 18 posts of Chairmanship out of 25 upazilas in CHT were captured by the indigenous Jumma candidates. However, no chairman was elected among from indigenous peoples in plain lands.

In CHT, among the 25 upazilas of three hill districts, 18 chairmen were elected among from indigenous Jumma communities and rest 7 chairmen are from non-indigenous Bengali community. Out of 18 indigenous chairmen, 11 belong to Chakma while 7 are among from Marma ethnic group. On the other, among the 18 winning indigenous chairmen, 14 chairmen were supported by indigenous peoples’ political parties while 4 winning chairmen supported by national level mainstream political parties.

Out of 25 upazilas in the CHT, only one indigenous female candidate supported by indigenous political party won the election for the post of chairmanship. This remarkable success was achieved in Barkal upazila, Rangamati district.

Vice Chairman (General): Out of 25 winning vice chairmen in CHT, 17 vice chairmen are belonging to indigenous Jumma communities and 8 are among from Bengali community. Like chairman posts, no vice chairman (general) was elected among from indigenous peoples in plain lands. Ethnic community wise, out of 17 indigenous vice chairmen, 8 are from Chakma and 5 belong to Marma as well as one each from Tripura, Mro, Tangchangya and Bawm ethnic groups. Among the 17 winning vice chairmen, 13 chairmen were supported by indigenous peoples’ political parties while 4 winning chairmen were supported by national level mainstream political parties.

Woman Vice Chairman: Throughout the country, 20 posts of vice chairmanship (female) were captured by the indigenous women candidates where 17 in CHT and 3 in plain lands.

The 20 winning woman vice chairman are belonging from different indigenous community background, of them 17 from CHT where as 9 belong to Chakma, 5 Marma and one each won by Tripura, Tanchangya and Bawm indigenous community, while among the 3 winning vice chairman in plain lands belong to one Monipuri, one Santal and one Rajowar indigenous community. Among the 17 winning female vice chairmen in CHT, 15 female vice chairmen were supported by indigenous peoples’ political parties while 2 winning vice chairmen were supported by mainstream political parties. In the plain land, all 3 winning female vice chairmen were supported by mainstream political parties as indigenous peoples in plain lands do not have own political party.

Conclusion: Compare to upazila election held in 2009, indigenous peoples’ political parties in CHT done better result in 2014. In 2009, out of 25 upazilas in three hill districts, 15 posts of chairmanship were captured by the indigenous candidates. However, among them, only 6 winning chairmen were the candidate of indigenous political parties while 9 chairmen were from mainstream political parties.

Indigenous peoples of the country, particularly in CHT, are not happy with the mainstream political parties negative attitude towards implementation of the CHT Accord and to resolve land problem in plain land & CHT as well as to provide constitutional recognition to the CHT Accord and ethnic identity as indigenous peoples, instead, termed them as Bengali through 15th Amendment to the Constitution in 2011. Against this backdrop, mainstream political parties tested bad result in the Upazila Parishad Elections in CHT and, on the contrary, indigenous political parties in CHT, at least in some extent, achieved progress.

This figure shows that in 2014 upazila parishad elections, the indigenous political parties in CHT made better result than in 2009 elections.

Party-wise results of the Upazila Elections 2014 in the CHT

Name of the supported party
Chairman post
Vice chair post
Vice chair (female) post

* Majority independent Jumma candidates were supported by all quarters of Jumma people.

Names of the winning Chairmen:

Rangamati district:

1.                  Mr. Arun Kanti Chakma, Rangamati sadar upazila

2.                  Mr. Bara Rwishi Chakma, Baghaichari upazila

3.                  Ms. Moni Chakma, Barkal upazila

4.                  Mr. Uday Joy Chakma, Jurachari upazila

5.                  Shuva Mongal Chakma, Bilaichari upazila

6.                  Shaktiman Chakma, Naniarchar upazila

7.                  S M Chowdhury, Kaukhali upazila

8.                  Uthin Sin Marma, Rajasthali upazila

Khagrachari district

9.                  Chanchu Moni Chakma, Khagrachari sadar upazila

10.              Sorbottam Chakma, Panchari upazila

11.              Bimal Kanti Chakma, Mahalchari upazila

12.              Mragya Marma, Manikchari upazila

13.              Super Jyoti Chakma, Laxmichari upazila

14.              Naba Kamal Chakma, Dighinala upazila

Bandarban district

15.              Kyew Hla Ching, Thanchi upazila

16.              Aung Thowai Ching, Ruma upazila

17.              Kyawba Mong Marma, Rowangchari upazila

18.              Thowai Nue Aung, Lama upazila

Names of the winning Vice Chairmen:

Rangamati district:

1.                  Palash Kusum Chakma, Rangamati sadar upazila

2.                  Diptiman Chakma, Baghaichari upazila

3.                  Bidhan Chakma, Barkal upazila

4.                  Ritan Chakma, Jurachari upazila

5.                  Amrita Sen Tanchangya, Bilaichari upazila

6.                  Rana Bikash Chakma, Naniarchari upazila

7.                  Mong Shwe U Chowdhury, Kaukhali upazila

8.                  Aung Nue Ching Marma, Rajathali upazila

9.                  Subrata Bikash Tanchangya, Kaptai upazila

Khagrachari district

10.              Ranik Tripura, Khagrachari sadar upazila

11.              Kyew Chi Ming Chowdhury, Mahalchari upazila

12.              Aungya Prue Marma, Laxmichari upazila

13.              Susamoy Chakma, Dighina upazila

Bandarban district

14.              Kaintop Mro, Alikadam upazila

15.              Chasa Thowai Marma, Thanchi upazila

16.              Jingsamalian Bawm, Ruma upazila

17.              Kyaw Sai Nu, Rowangchari upazila

Names of the winning Vice Chairmen (female):

Rangamati district:

1.                  Rita Chakma, Rangamati sadar upazia

2.                  Sumita Chakma, Baghaichari upazila

3.                  Shakuntala Chakma, Barkal upazila

4.                  Shefali Chakma, Jurachari upazila

5.                  Shyama Chakma, Bilaichari upazila

6.                  Kuality Chakma, Naniarchari upazila

7.                  Eni Chakma Kripa, Kaukhali upazila

8.                  Kroi Suiu Marma, Rajasthali upazila


9.                  Beuty Rani Tripura, Khagrachari sadar upazila

10.              Ratna Tanchangya, Panchari upazila

11.              Kakali Khisa, Mahalchari upazila

12.              Gopa Devi Chakma, Dighinala

Bandarban district

13.              Waching Prue Marma, Bandarban sadar upazila

14.              Byari Marma, Alikadam upazila

15.              Bakuli Marma, Thanchi upazila

16.              King Eng Moy Bawm, Ruma upazila

17.              Ma U Sang, Rowangchari upazila

Plain land:

18.  Ms Ranjita Sharma, Vice Chairman (female), Juri Upazila, Moulvibazar district

19.  Rosina Soren, Vice Chairman (female), Ghoraghat Upazila, Dinajpur district

20.  Protima Rani Rajowar, Vice Chairman (female), Nachol Upazila, Chapainawabgonj

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Japan assures support for peace, dev in CHT

Courtesy: New Age, Thursday, April 10, 2014

Japan ambassador to Bangladesh Shiro Sadashimo inaugurates the cultural event of the ethnic minorities at Ethnic Minority Cultural Institute in Khagrachhari on Wednesday. — New Age photo

The Japanese ambassador in Dhaka, Shiro Sadoshima, who visited Chittagong Hill Tracts on Tuesday and Wednesday, assured local administration of his support for consolidation of peace and development in the hill districts.

On Wednesday he visited small-scale irrigation and water management project carried out by Khagrachhari Hill District Council through grant assistance for grass-roots and human security projects from Japan government, said a Japan embassy release.
Appreciating the progress of works for the irrigation project, the ambassador said, ‘Improvement of agricultural production and livelihood of local people through this project is so important that it will definitely contribute to the consolidation of peace and overall development in the region.’
Earlier on Tuesday Shiro visited multi-purpose community centre in Rangamati and community health post at Naniarchar, which were built by UNDP and BRAC with the grant assistance of Japan.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

PM reiterates to implement CHT agreement completely

Courtesy: New Age Online | Monday, April 07, 2014

Prime minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday reiterated her government's firm commitment to implement the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Agreement completely for further development and maintaining peace in the region, BSS reports.

‘The (CHT) region witnessed unrest and conflict for a long time before 1996. But the past Awami League government during its tenure from 1996-2001 took initiatives for restoring peace in the region and signed the landmark peace treaty,’ she said.

Sheikh Hasina said most of the clauses of the peace accord have already been implemented, while some executed partially. ‘We would implement the treaty completely in phases,’ she said.

She said this while formally inaugurating the World Health Day 2014 programme through a videoconferencing. She talked to the people of Bandarban from the secretariat in the capital through the videoconferencing.

Health minister Mohammad Nasim, state minister for CHT affairs Bir Bahadur and health secretary MN Niazuddin also spoke on the occasion from Bandarban Ethnic Minority Community Cultural Institute.

The prime minister said her government has given special attention to the development of the CHT region as it was neglected for a long time. 

‘We have taken initiatives for development of various sectors including health, education and communication in the region so that the people of the hill areas get services from their doorsteps,’ she said.

Due to these time-befitting and pragmatic steps, Sheikh Hasina said an immense opportunity in the fields of health, education, investment and employment is being created in the region. 

The prime minister said a university would be set up in the CHT region to ensure higher education for its students. ‘A law on establishing the university has already been enacted,’ she said.

Terming healthcare as a fundamental right of the people, Sheikh Hasina expressed her firm determination that her government would continue its relentless efforts in reaching the medicare services to the doorsteps of the people. 

‘There are commitments of fulfilling basic needs including healthcare and education of the people in the constitution. So our government would do whatever necessary to fulfill the demands,’ she said.